Various Variants – Antiquated or Alternate versions of Chinese Characters

I started a collection of variants some time ago on Google Docs, but I gradually forgot about it – would be happy to hear from anyone about variants they have discovered in their language learning process.

Strokes (Original) Standard Form Character Variant pinyin 倉頡碼 Unicode Note
3 yi3 unknown u382f Classical only
5 ran3 月一一 u5184
8 jie3 女中x竹 u59ca
10 wan3 十十弓日山 u8f13
10 xiao4 口廿大 u54b2
10 鬭、鬬、閗 dou4 中弓口一中、中弓月一中、中弓卜十 U9B2D, u9b2c, u9597 found in 齊物論
12 pu3 卜廿日 u669c
13 qun2 尸口廿手 u7fa3
14 bao1 日弓日弓 u95c1
15 pu4 人口戈十月 u8216 4th tone 鋪 only – both written 鋪 in classical, later 舍 replaced 金 as it reflected the noun’s meaning more accurately
15 xuan2 一土卜月山 u74bf
17 lian3 人人弓人 u6b5b

Comment below!

0 thoughts on “Various Variants – Antiquated or Alternate versions of Chinese Characters

  1. I can contribute 裏/裡 🙂
    I’ve actually never heard anyone pronounce 姊 as jie3, although perakun/mdbg indicates jie3 as the Taiwan pronunciation… Also mdbg lists another variant for it: 姉.

  2. Pingback: When is it 裡 and when is it 裏? Commonly used variants in action! | Translating Taiwanese Literature