「奧步」 is the common written form for the Taiwanese expression 「漚步」 àupō͘ meaning a sly or crafty move. This is just one of those phrases you’ll hear again and again. I heard it a while ago in the run-up to the election:
“Especially when at the minute everyone is actually waiting to see what crafty maneuver the DPP will end up pulling at the last minute.”

You can hear it around the 11:04 point in the video below:
I heard it again just now while getting my hair cut (shorn off), in the Taiwanese soap opera 《炮仔聲》 (Ep 327) playing in the background. It was translated into Mandarin in the subtitles as 「耍手段」:
“That Kang Hong-kiat is a real piece of work, he’s always got some sly trick up his sleeve. If he isn’t buying people off, he’s using people’s families to threaten them.”

You can hear her say it here (1:46;47).
Earlier in the episode, one character describes getting a woman drunk in order to get her into bed (quite rightly) as an 「奧步」, although this time it’s translated into Mandarin as 「卑鄙手段」 “how could I use that kind of dirty tactic?”

You can hear him say it here (0:40:56).
It’s one of those really useful phrases that’s really hard to find the right situation to use. In the first example I used, it’s used in a Mandarin sentence, so you can use it that way too, but make sure your tones are on point if you’re going to, or you’ll stand there shamefacedly repeating yourself until you have to spell it out like I did in the kitchenette at work when I called my colleague a 抓耙仔 jiàu-pê-á/liàu-pê-á (a snitch). I said bei instead of pei or something *shrugs*.
I suspect correct Han letter is 惡步, Please see:《台灣話資料交流所》碩士論文稿。指導教授:黃博士/初審交流所專家(校外LSE)https://www.facebook.com/groups/660459984039064/演繹漢字「贖錢」是台語「找錢」tsau3-tsinn4 的本字(中文)
Could be, but I’m going by the Ministry of Education’s dictionary. Thanks for the tip!
I don’t see 惡 listed as being pronounced àu on either of the dictionaries I use. Whereas 漚 seems to fit with the pronunciation and the meaning.
I referred you to the article posted today, in which discusses that a postulation of ancient “Han ” language with suffix ok > au is inter-related. 惡 word pronounced [ok] in Taiwanese, thus it could be pronounced [ au] in so called ancient Han letter. But Han is only 2200 years ago. Today’s some colloquial Taiwanese may be further back to Zhou or Shang 商 era ps “Ministry of Education’s dictionary” is an arbitrary one!!!!
It’s not quite arbitrary, they have experts working there. But for my purposes it works fine.