Chicken and duck emojis and the Ko Wen-je corruption case

You may have noticed a severe uptick in the use of chicken and duck emojis in recent days all over social media:


Why you might ask? 雞 jī and 鴨 yā put together are a homonym of the word 羈押 jīyā for “arrest/detention” relating to Ko Wen-je’s much anticipated arrested (more details here by the brilliant Brian Hioe) for corruption related to the Core Pacific City Mall project.

Facebook user post
IG user post

The first use of the punny homonym is reported to have been the following Facebook Post by 農傳媒 (an agricultural news agency):

They used the caption 「雞鴨來了」(Chicken and duck are here! / 羈押來了 The arrest has come)to introduce a new chicken and duck breeding scheme in the wake of Ko’s arrest.

Xiaola style Cantonese biandang stores have also jumped on the opportunity by selling chicken and duck biandangs according to one of my colleagues.